Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Apprentice

Declan reached up and turned the brass lio- head filigree at the top of the bookcase. The middle section opened silently, exposing a steep staircase to the basement
Declan is an apprentice wizard and has been since he discovered an ancient book underneath a bookshelf at ‘Blackstone Books’. Mr. Blackstone, who is half blind, didn’t know it’s value or importance and let him have it for five dollars. It turned out to be a medieval Grimoire or spell book for apprentice wizards.
A huge fire red Mancoon tabby burst between Declan’s legs and thump, thumped down the stairs into the abyss. Declan stumbled toward the open stairway and just managed at the last second to grab the doorframe.
“Whatever, are you trying to kill me?”
Originally he called the cat ‘Fluffy’ but he grew so big and showed such disdain for his name. Declan decided to name him ‘Whatever’, mainly for his total disregard for anything Declan said to him. He also gave Declan that look, that curled lip, squinty-eyed, whatever look.
Declan turned on the light and descended into the dank basement lab.
Whatever was sprawled out on a giant cushion, looking at him with that, what kept you look.
“Yeh, whatever, Whatever, one of these days I’m going to turn you into a mouse and set you loose in an alley full of feral cats.”
Declan set fire to the Bunsen burner. He filled a small enamelled kettle with water and set it on the iron grate above the flame. “First we’ll have tea.”
“Damn what am I doing talking to you like you understand what I’m saying, and you can wipe the whatever look from your mug.”
Declan pulled a high stool up to the table and opened the Grimoire to the chapter on spheres.